Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mega Battery Widget first release!!

Now you can enjoy a nice new battery widget app.

Mega Battery Widget lets you configure your battery widget to your preference.

Choose the widget background of more than 25 images and which data to display: level, temperature and/or voltage.
You can view the complete status of the battery when you open the application.
You can also set the size and color of the data displayed in the widget and its alert levels.

The next post may be to thank some good websites their nice icons.

Please try and enjoy Mega Battery Widget at:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Could CheckNlog crash?

Could CheckNlog crash?

Short answer: yes.

After many tests I have to admit that, unfortunately, and despite all the improvements, it is.

To get some data that the application shows it is needed to use the reduced version of busybox included and some calls to Linux executables. After consulting lots of documentation, the problem is to call external executables from java -Android- always carries a risk that the executable process remains unconnected from java application that started it, causing an error in the application and leaving the process orphan, difficult to locate and terminable only by a root user. A reboot of the device is the easy solution.

The worst of these failures is that they are almost random and all documentation is about methods to mitigate it only, no way to avoid them, great ...

In my defense I must say that due to the nature of these failures, I checked as several other reputable applications also suffer from these errors that leave orphan and forgotten processes in the list of active processes causing application crash.  Sometimes these applications and mine can be started again and work properly again but the initial process or processes continue orphans and lost in the list of active processes.

I noticed that when CheckNlog was not successful, other applications have given error just before or after it.
This may be due to some process that is overloading the system or a bad system startup.
Nothing strange, almost everyone has seen after a device reboot certain applications that should, not be initiated or certain parameters were not applied.
The advertisements displayed on the free version should not cause the error, however the Pro version without ads seems more stable.

Anyway these errors are very casual but some devices, roms or configurations may be more prone to them.

Please give a try to CheckNlog at:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bugs fixing 1.4.2


I would have rather spent the last two weeks  making improvements or adding new features or widgets to CheckNlog but what I did was fixing a major random bug that causes app to crash.
Now it is fixed. Last app version -1.4.2(12)- is, by far, the most stable one that I've released.
I've done a lot of testing and I've not been able to crash it again, nice.
Now I can focus on those improvements.

Auto-zip has also been limited to 30 logs, 10 for large ones like logcat or dmesg, to get a smoother response from the app.

Please give a try to CheckNlog at:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CheckNlog new Ping Tool and widget fix

"Ping Google" now is "Ping Tool" and you can ping any IP or URL.
Maybe some devices can't ping URL but IP should work for all.
If you are on home WiFi you can try to ping your own router, usually or or maybe another IP that you have to figure it out.
You can also ping a URL like (default one) or any other URL or IP from internet but take in count that most servers doesn't answer ping requests.

Battery widget now launches main app on click. I forgot to implement that, but now works.

I hope that someone will take advantage of the new German translation.

Maybe next improvements will be: "Logcat Errors" switch to "Logcat Search", so you can search for any thing in logcat and various widget layouts to choose.

Don't wait more and give it a try at:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Development news

I am working on various widgets and meanwhile I will release a simple battery widget that will be improved in next versions.
Widgets will be included in CheckNlog and probably available in separate download.

Stay tuned the next few days :)

Please give a try to CheckNlog at:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

CheckNlogPro version released and improvements

Pro version without ads is now in Google Play.
Both versions have been improved with Spanish translation, Fahrenheit added to battery data, help file embedded and share or vote app.
I'm not sure if it is the best to see Fahrenheit and Celsius together but I like it.
Working on more translations and options.

Don't forget to give a try to CheckNlog at:

or Pro version at:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some CheckNlog news

Tomorrow I will release CheckNlog 1.1.0 (4).

A menu screen with few settings has been added.
Now it is possible to see logs only, without saving them to SD card.
New auto zip capability is also working.
Well, compressed files are not really zip, they are tar.bz2.
They are supported by most desktop compression tools but on phones maybe you need a good file explorer like Script Manager - SManager.

I will try to include a new button or option to delete logs too, maybe this release or next one.

And don't forget to give a try to CheckNlog at:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

CheckNlog launched!!

CheckNlog is finally launched!

I will fix some grammatical errors and make lots of improvements.
In next post I will try to write full instructions for this app.
I also have to write a post about thanks to icons artists and sources of the minimal busybox version that is used in this app.

Give a try to CheckNlog at:

CheckNlog pre-launch

CheckNlog logo
Working hard to launch my first Android app: CheckNlog.
A tool to check smartphone status and log everything you see.
More info later.